Researcher Links Workshop for early career researchers from the UK and Russia
How to blend domain knowledge with learning from data
Funded by the British Council, supported by British Geological Survey and SAGES Small Grants Scheme
- Bring together researchers across different disciplines of geoscience and data science
- Develop a new outlook on tackling geoscience problems with data science approach
- Establish collaboration networking environment
- Promote active interaction with industry and public sector
We wish to build on our most remembering experience from the previous Researcher Links workshop “Prediction of Complex Reservoir Systems under Uncertainty” held in Tomsk in 2017, that was a great success story.
Workshop themes:
- Porous media flow
- Geothermal resources
- CO2 and gas storage
- Nuclear waste disposal
- Lithium mining
- Subsurface resources mapping
- Impact on environmental systems
- you name it …
- Warm-up 1h sessions with Keynote talks: December 2021 – January 2022
The warm up sessions in December will focus on the geoscience challenges and follow up with the session on machine learning solutions to address the challenges in January. - Face to face / Hybrid half-day sessions: February 2022, Edinburgh
The half-day session will constitute of small-group exchange around the outlined geoscience challenges, materials under investigation (data and case studies) and data science solution pathways. The follow sessions will aim to consolidate the exchange and come up ideas for future networking patnerships.
Keynote warm-up session
We open the warm-up series with the talks on Geoscience challenges – views from the East and from the West.
More talks on Data science challenges are to follow in January warm up sessions to set the scene for the workshop.
- 7 December, 10am GMT
Design of a system to build a lithofacies model based on artificial intelligence elements by Prof Ivan Priezzhev, Gubkin State Oil and Gas University, Moscow- Basic definition and our vision of artificial intelligence application in geology and current situation in industry.
- Proposed system design and list of modules to build litho-facies model.
- Detailed description of the proposed modules
- Description of some machine learning algorithms – RGB Kohonen 3D, Kolmogorov neural network with full functional neurons.
- 15 December , 10am GMT
Data, data everywhere! Data driven challenges in Geoscience by Prof Jennifer McKinley, Queen’s University, Belfast - 14 January, Friday, 10am GMT
Geoscience and data challenges in Subsurface Characterisation by Dr Dave McCarthy, British Geological Survey, Edinburgh - 2 February, Wednesday, 10am GMT
Topological Data Analysis for Digital Rock Modeling and beyond, by Prof Evgeny Burnaev, Skoltech, Moscow
Conveners and Mentors
- Prof. Vasily Demyanov, Heriot-Watt University
- Prof. Natalia Guseva, Tomsk Polytechnic University
- Dr Dan Arnold, Heriot-Watt University
- Dr Roman Belavkin, Middlesex University, London
- Dr Steve Earl, University of Edinburgh
- Prof Jennifer McKinley, Queen’s University, Belfast
- Dr Dave McCarthy, British Geological Survey