Key Milestones

  • Uncertainty JIP: founded and led by Prof Mike Christie, phases I-IV, 1999 – 2016, sponsored by 9 companies
    The JIP investigated the best ways to history match reservoir models and from those history matches produce accurate estimates of risk and uncertainty in predictions of future oil production/reserves. With in over 60 publications, including 13 journal publications and 4 book chapters on the subject, the HWU Uncertainty project became one of the leading groups worldwide on uncertainty quantification.
  • PhD theses outcomes from the JIP
  • A Heriot-Watt spinout company Raven (Epistemy) founded by Prof Mike Christie, Dr Dan Arnold, Mr Jack Talbot in 2009 to commercialise the outcomes of the JIP research.
  • GeoDataScience and UQ group rebranded in 2019 by Prof Vasily Demyanov who took over from Mike
