GeoDataScience talks at EAGE Petoleum Geostatistics, Porto

Three data science talks were contributed to EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics programme:

Vitaliy Starikov presented a talk Unsupervised Classification of Flow Regime Features in Pressure Transient Responses sharing the progress of the AutoWell consortium.
Dr Chao Sun and Gleb Shishaev were not able to present their work in person because of the visa logistics.
However, their work also attracted a lot of interest: 

Application of Graph Variational Autoencoders for History Matching Problem of Brugge Field

by Gleb Shishaev – the final part to the PhD with a full field individual well history matching with a benchmark case.

Pre-Trained GAN Conditioning to Acoustic Impedance in Facies Modelling

by Dr Chao Sun – a very promising add-on piece of work on transfer learning done on top of the PhD.